Slides from talk at FI MUNI: C in our world 2017

Slides available in formats: PDF, SlideShare Source code: GitHub/ysoftdevs/cpp-examples

Functional Programming in Common Lisp

Intro Functional programming (FP) has again been getting popular in recent years. Why again? Because the paradigm of FP...

Development of cross-platform desktop applications by Electron

I study Faculty of Information Technology at VUT in Brno and the main aim of my bachelor thesis is a research of developing the...

Toying with Clojure: How complex is to be empty?

Coding some sequence processing in Clojure, I was wondering how efficient is the test for sequence emptiness. the first thing which comes in mind...

Splitting User Stories: Does The Big Story Satisfy INVEST?

As our pet project me and my product management mates decided to improve the way we write user stories at Y Soft R&D department. The...