Wireshark – Not Just the Hacking Tool

Přijď 7.11.2017 od 18:00 k nám do Y Softu, Technická 13, Brno na pilotní díl Tech Support Meetupu. Víš, co se ti děje na síti? Co...

GeeCON 2015 Moves the JAVA World in Prague

Do you want to attend the famous developer conference, GeeCON, in the Czech Republic? No problem! Y Soft and GeeCON’s organizers bring it to...

Y Soft at WUG Days 2022

After the two-year break, we got a chance to come back to WUG Days 2022. It is the largest Czech free educational...

Bigger & Better RnD – GeeCON.cz 2014 – slides

It's important to grow Y Soft RnD and to make it better. We deployed several big changes in last year. Here you can find slides...

Y Soft LeSS transformation

Because at Y Soft we believe that sharing is caring, we have decided to organize a public meetup and share...

Come compete with us in Clojure cup

In Y Soft, there is a group of Clojure fans (including myself) that are fool enough to participate as contestants in Clojure cup and we are...

Y Soft Hacking Sport

In November 2015, the third year of the Czech Hackathon was held in Prague. The challenge was to create in less than 2 days...