Stakeholders and Qualities in User Stories

User Stories seem to be my favourite topic these days...…the idea behind this post started with seemingly innocent user story, like this:I, as an...

Slides from talk at FIT VUT: Continuous Delivery 2017

Slides available in formats: PDF, SlideShare

Printing from Android devices

As many of you may know, Android supports native printing since Android 4.4. This means, that there is new api handling communication between application...

Developer testing – effective QA against the rules

Yes, you heard right! Developer testing. It means testing done by developers! And yes, I’m talking about the confirmation testing, which is known as...

Y Soft Training Program

0 Watch our video stream at Vimeo or Youtube.

Pac-Man is chasing ghosts near Y Soft HQ

It's true! Ghosts are gathering around our Y Soft HQ in Brno. Only Pac-Man with your help can save us.

Slides from talk at FI MUNI: C in our world 2016

Slides available in formats: PDF, SlideShare Source code: GitHub/ysoftdevs/cpp-examples

Log processing, 1. part – architecture overview

This article is a first one of planned series focused on log processing, therefore YSoft SafeQ monitoring. It explains goals of log monitoring and...

Modular sensor platform – Part 1

Y Soft is using a robotic arm for testing multi-functional devices, but the robotic arm is not enough for our testing purpose. We need...

Provisioning with Chef

Chef is an automation platform designed to help the deployment and provisioningprocess during software development and in production. Chef can, in cooperation...